2 Eggs - $0.36
1/3 Zucchini - $0.16
1/2 Serving Ham - $0.08
1/2 Shallot - $0.10
Dijon - $0.05
Rice - $0.05
Total: $0.85
I cannot remember what day it was, but Willie made us some really tasty omelets from the dirty pan. Hmm ... if you didn't read that post, that is going to sound even more disgusting than on the day we explained ourselves. However, it was awesome and I wanted to make it again. Unfortunately, no dirty pan, so I had to start from the beginning.
And yes, these pictures are terrible, I know. Sorry!!
LUNCH - Pizza, Salad and Monopoly
Pizza - $0.00
Organic Romaine - $0.12
Carrot - $0.05
Tomatoes - $0.08
Balsamic Vinegar - $0.10
TOTAL: $0.35

Oh yeah, and what does Monopoly have to do with it? Hudson and I have been playing quite a bit the past 2 days, so it only seemed appropriate to sneak it into the picture. Insert smiley face here.
DINNER - Veggie Burger with "Slaw"
Trader Joe's Veggie Burger - $0.85
Cheese - $0.25
Celery - $0.05
Carrot - $0.05
Sauce - I have no idea
Total: - $1.20

I needed a veg and I already did a regular classic salad for lunch. Then I thought back to being a kid and remember having carrots and celery with peanut butter? Well, I found some Thai Peanut Sauce and thought I would go ahead and toss a dab on my celery and carrots to make this fun little slaw type side. I didn't count it towards the cost because it just seemed so free because it was in the door of the fridge.
LUNCH: $0.35
DINNER: $1.20
total: $2.40