Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 04

BREAKFAST - Belgian Waffle (Super Healthy Rendition) w/Whipped Cream, Berry Compote & a side of Scramble
Eggs - $0.18
Waffles (for 4 people):
1 C Milk - $0.18
2 eggs (only whites) - $0.36
10 almonds - $0.10
2 TBS. Flax - $0.03
1/2 C Oat Bran - $0.09
2 C TJ's Multigrain Mix - $0.52
4TBS Heavy Whipping Cream - $0.12
Frozen Berries - $0.50
One waffle with Berries and Whip - $0.48
TOTAL: $0.66

As a kid, my mom would whip up Belgian Waffles and I loved 'em!  Sometimes she'd put real maple syrup, a pad of butter (that'd melt deliciously into all the little compartments), and chopped pecans.  Other times, she'd get the beater out and make home made whip cream to accompany the waffle topped with fresh raspberries.  She'd do the same with crepes too! Mmmmmm!
Andrea learned the ways of the fresh berries and whipped cream, but in her classic style... she needed to make it her own.  One day she came to the realization that frozen mixed berries are way more accessible than fresh.  In fact when fresh berries are in season, she will typically freeze some extras in a large bag (all mixed ... strawbs, rasps, black and blue).   In hope of competing with the beauty of a fresh berry, Andrea dropped those ugly mix berries in a blender (after a few minutes of thawing) and voila... Berry Compote.  This is Noe's personal fav.
As far as the waffle goes, I wanted to do something to doctor up it's healthiness factor.  Although we do use a multi-grain base, we also add in oat bran, flax seeds, and almonds in addition to the called for milk, eggs, and oil.  She takes everything but the mix and blends it in the blender.  Then adds the mix to make it the proper consistency for waffle batter.  Somehow it all works out and even tastes better too!

LUNCH - BBQ Chicken Salad
Holy lots of ingredients Batman!
BBQ Chicken - $0.25 (it was a very small portion today)
Organic Romaine - $0.16
Organic Black Beans - $0.13
Corn - $0.06
Red Onion - $0.06
Ranch Dressing - $0.12
Crushed Tortilla Chips - 0.02 (this was just to add a little crunch)
Shredded 3 Blend Cheese - $0.03
Avocado - $0.13
TOTAL: $0.96

This was the best salad I have ever had!  Seriously.  You have got to be kidding me Andrea!
I had to work away from home this morning and when I returned for lunch, Andrea had this salad waiting.  Flavor explosion!  I could have never made this salad in (Dr. Evil Voice) one million years.  I can't understand it!  The chicken was perfectly seasoned with I don't even know what.  Yes, it is the same chicken... Ha ha ha...  That chicken keeps kickin'.  Did I say awesome salad?  My only complaint was that I wanted more.  Hence the price of only 96 cents.  
By the way ... a side note on the 3 cheese blend.  I scored a one pound bag of Kraft brand 3 cheese blend at the 99 cent store!  That same night, when shopping for the youth group at VONS, I saw the exact same cheese only in an 8 oz bag (half the size) for 5 bucks!  I bought 2 bags and froze one.  Yep, you can freeze cheese.  

DINNER - Split Pea Soup (6 servings)
Peas (1 pound bag) - $0.59
2 large carrots - $0.20
2 ribs of celery - $0.20
6 3 oz servings of ham - $0.96
TOTAL: $0.32/serving

This is the worst picture of food ever taken, we know.  Well, now that you've seen it, go ahead and laugh.  It's OK, we know it's bad.  Camera phone on the go photo.  Excuses, excuses, right?  We were with our students tonight and needed to eat on the run.
If you could only taste the soup!  AMAZING!  Andrea knocks it out of the proverbial park three meals in a row.  This is your classic split pea soup, with beautiful chunks of ham we scored for a sweet price.  Yup, same ham from the dirty Dijon omelet.  In fact, I think she made so much soup we are freezing it for future enjoyment... double score!  But I will try to get a better photo next time.

LUNCH: $0.96
DINNER: $0.32
4th day total: $1.94

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